Video Library

View resources on learning and development, leadership, innovation and more.

How to practice emotional first aid | Guy Winch

Chosen by our managing Director Brigid Hardy. – Guy is a great storyteller and his story is shared with both humour and grace. The story reinforces the mind-body connection and how mindfulness can help improve our emotional health. The topic of emotional hygiene is an important one and a reminder to not be captured by our self-limiting beliefs.

How to Achieve your most ambitious goals | Stephen Duneier

Chosen by our Digital Transformation & Marketing Manager Royce Burton. This TED talk is by Stephen Duneier, who shares the importance of breaking down your most ambitious projects into their simplest form and making marginal improvements along the way to improve your odds of achieving them.

He aims to both inspire and motivate people to go after their grandest goals.

At last free | Omar and Saad Al Kassab

Chosen by principal consultant Erin Riley – This story is about 2 refugee brothers and their journey from war torn Syria to Australia. As a TEDX Canberra coach, Erin has had the privilege of working with some wonderful speakers and the opportunity to hear some amazingly inspirational stories, this was one of them! Erin was lucky enough to be in the  audience, to be emerged into their lives, and it was truly an emotional experience that allowed her to not only reflect but realise just how lucky we are to live free from such atrocities in Australia but also to appreciate the simple everyday things in life, including one another. There was a standing ovation from the audience, believe it or not this is rare for TED talks even though we hear some many wonderful ideas.

Bring on the learning revolution! | Ken Robinson

Chosen by our Principal Consultant, Kate Gascoyne.

Sir Ken Robinson argues for education that doesn’t dislocate people from their natural talents. He encourages us to ask ourselves: do we endure or enjoy our work? Are we doing work that speaks to our authenticate self? He calls for a revolution in education that fosters creativity and passion, and he does all this with a good dose of humour!

Grit: the power of passion and perseverance | Angela Lee Duckworth

Angela Duckworth talks about grit, which she defines as passion and perseverance for long-term goals. She links in the concept of a growth mindset; the belief that our ability to learn is not fixed. We need to be willing to fail, and start over again with lessons learned. This is an inspiring message for us in our careers, in our hobbies, and for those of us raising children. Get gritty!

How great leaders inspire action | Simon Sinek

Chosen by our Senior Consultant, Joanne Coleman.

Simon Sinek presents a simple but powerful model for how leaders inspire action, starting with a golden circle and the question “Why?” His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King, and the Wright brothers.

The Power of Vulnerability |
Brené Brown

Chosen by office manager Jill Kneebone – This woman is an inspiration and helped Jill greatly on her self-development journey. Jill loves that Brene’s talks, books, podcasts are based on academic research as well as personal experience which makes her so relatable.

Managing Remote Teams | Interaction Consulting

A short guide to help you to manage remote work routines during the Covid 19 crisis.

Learning with Diagnostic Tools

Introducing the Whole Brain® Thinking Model

The Hermann Brain Dominance Instrument is a self-assessment tool that builds individual awareness of how they process information and communicate at work, to increase personal and group understanding, work within a strengths-based framework and minimise communication misunderstandings at work. This tool is excellent for building self and other awareness through an appreciation of how team members work best.

TMS - The Team Management Profile is Unique.

Team Management Profile is a self-assessment tool that measures aptitude and personality specifically in terms of how an individual prefers to relate to others, gather and use information at work, make decisions, and organise themselves and others This tool builds self-awareness, awareness and appreciation of others and recognition of
individuals working within the team so you can strategically manage the team’s diversity and strengths.

Leadership Circle Profile Model

The Leadership Circle is a 360-degree feedback tool that analyses information from both the individual leaders and their team, to provide leaders with immediate feedback on their competency and underlying assumptions across two domains, Creative Competencies and Reactive Tendencies. This tool increases a leader’s inner awareness and
understanding of their leadership style and how it may impact on their team’s performance, and directly creates opportunities for specific leadership development.

The Emotional Culture Deck

Who uses The Emotional Culture Deck? Why do they use it? What do they see in it that makes it such a profound tool? 

Listen to these discussions with five inspiring leaders who all use The Emotional Culture Deck and asked them to share their insights into the work they do with The Emotional Culture Deck.

At Interaction, we use this as a tool to start conversations, grow your people as compassionate leaders, develop openness, connect your teams more meaningfully, and build trust.