Personal Effectiveness – Being Your Best Self

Are you motivated, organised and planned, do you pursue both personal and professional growth?

Are you motivated, organised and planned, do you pursue both personal and professional growth?

Don’t underestimate the power of positive thinking and positive wellbeing, both can put you in the right mindset for success and can help you get there with small incremental steps.

A tip, don’t try to change everything at once, prioritise three or four small things first, implement and master these techniques and make them part of your routine, then add some further strategies into your own toolbox and keep going.

Write some goals, short term, midterm and long term, make them SMART, specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely.




Remember to include an action plan, a big factor for success, it is okay to modify and be flexible to change, so make them an electronic document that you schedule in your calendar a monthly check-in on progress.

Be disciplined, motivated and understand your signature strengths and limits. Completing some individual self-assessment and reflection activities can assist here.

Build new habits into your routine, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Stephen Covey) has been a favourite of mine, a step-by-step pathway for living with:

  • Fairness
  • Integrity
  • Honesty and
  • Human dignity

Principles that give us the security to adapt to change, and the wisdom and power to take advantage of the opportunities that change creates.


The Seven Habits are:


1. Being Proactive

Being proactive is very much about taking control of your life, being proactive takes time. Consider your options, weigh up alternatives and make your own decisions in order to achieve your goals.

2. Begin with the end in mind

Thinking of the “end” in everything you do will ensure every step you take is in the forward direction towards your goal and align with what you value in your life.

3. Put first things first

Putting first things first is about personal management, effort, being value-driven and your inner strength. These will push you through those days where most people quit. Using effective time management, checklists, calendars, scheduling and learning how to delegate is a must.

4. Think win-win

Having a vision can be very powerful, this can help you lead your life in a truly effective way, it’s very important to keep in mind the long-term effect of how you deal with decision making, again having a positive mindset here is essential.

5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood

Truly understand the person you are talking to, full-body listening and emphatic listening to the individual’s real problem or perception of a situation is critical, continue to build trust and rapport into every relationship.

6. Synergise

Synergising is the creative process, where everything melts together, creating something new, personal improvement and development as a person.

7. Sharpening the saw

It takes a lot of effort and time to adopt the previous habits into your life, continuously investing in yourself. The body and mind are the tools that need to be in shape to complete all the actions that are undertaken.

Good Habits

So, remember:

  • Eat the right foods but occasionally be naughty and indulge yourself
  • Get enough rest, think about your routines before going to bed
  • Relaxation, refresh, recharge the batteries, do what you love in life
  • Exercise, get outside, feel the fresh air, enjoy, and be inspired by nature
  • Get rid of negativity in your life and surround yourself with positivity
  • Reward yourself, keep motivated and remain optimistic.

Adapting all the habits should result in healthy relationships, thus having the emotional bank account filled up with many deposits, leading to mutual trust which makes the win-win situations so much easier.


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